I am writing this blog after a long time; I think quite a few months. I have recently been given the task of taking the interview of the star faculty, which I have recently submitted there. I had taken the interview at the new law college ; and which I am sharing over here hope you like it
The article is submitted to lawoctopus
Kamlesh Singh:- Ready for the Interview mam
Dr. Ujwala bendalae:- Yes
Question put forward by Kamlesh singh:- Tell us something about yourself ?
Answer by Dr ujwala bendalae :- I have graduate form symbiosis law school integrated law Programe form 1993-1999l later I went to the Pune university department of law 1999-2001 ; 2001 I have joined practiced and gradually I have joined bharti vidyapeeth as a visiting faculty after being visiting faculty in Bharti vidyapeeth I enrolled myself for PHD programe in bharti vidyapeeth in property law and 2006 I completed my phd form bharti vidyapeeth university
Second question put forward by Kamlesh singh :- Your source of inspiration in the field of law ? When you have decided that you will go for law / Did you always wanted to pursue law only ?
Answer by Dr ujwala bendalae :- In the field of law it was always Shri late Ram Jethmalani sir I have been listening to the court arguments of many great lawyers of their famous court matter such as soli sorabjee ; Tushar Mehta ; Bhulabhai desai how he saved Ina soldiers ; Nani palkivala how he put forward his arguments during emergency period .
Yes basically when I was doing my schooling In 1998 my school was Panditrao Agashe which was just opposite to Ils law college and there I use to see people advocate judges coming in their black attire and form higher secondary school I was much attracted towards debate and Muns so this some how has dragged my intrest towards the profession of law
Third question put forward by Kamlesh singh :- Your fondest memory Which you recollect form your college life ? Stragies tricks you want to share with the readers ?
Answer by Dr ujwala bendalae :- In the legal aid and through legal aid cell visiting the rular areas of pune is one of my memeorable time of my college life ; beside the cultural events and the international cultural events which use to take place in my college that also have inspired me a lot and also debate also which I used to participate that also had inspired me a lot About the statigies that is discipline I was a sincer as well as hard working I was an very average student but this is the study what I must do it I use to prepare my own notes I used to work on my mistakes My primary focus was on clearing concept because law is such a profession where your primary objective was to clear your legal concept like if you don’t know the basic way of how to file an pil or how to lodge and fir then taking or choosing a field of law is just wait of money ; A part form your ciriculum it is very essential as well as important to engage in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. According to my belief having strong relationships with your classmates, juniors, seniors, and teachers is very essential. I have maintained and still maintain these relationships, but I have never sought to use them unfairly to my advantage.
Fourth question put forward by Kamlesh singh :- Form “the professor” to “the dean” State the challenges you have faced ?
Answer form Dr ujwala bendalae :- I am the “Law - professor(teacher)” first for my new law college students and second I am dean for my students As the professor when I was the coordinator of the new law college there were many issue which I kept on facing that was the demand of the students for the matter ; the unrest among the students relating to their understanding about the life in pune is the major challenge ; to counsel the student and to bring them back in the college life is the major challenges which I have faced during my tenure of the new law college As a dean covid as created a lot more challenge you know because when I was made dean the major challenge is to keep the torch of new law college legacy because it has produced many outstanding lawyers advocates ; covid was the major challenges running classes in the hybrid mode is much new thing for us but we took this as an “learning opportunity”
Fifth question put forward by Kamlesh singh :- According to you what should the law student focus upon Is it the potential graph or it should be the practical experience ?
Answer form Dr ujwala bendalae ;- What I have observed in the law student is “ the very first they thing they come to any law they think about the placement and six digit salary My advice to these catageory is live your college life and keep your primary focus on practical traditional aspect like learning theory they should learn law for five years and aslo the practicality in the sense applacablity of theory of law what I ask form my student form the very first year when they study law and social sciences . study them properly Revise them understand them criticse them and interpret them in your practical life . In the best what they can invest in law they can reap after them for five years
Sixth question put forward by Kamlesh singh :- As a professor what do you like best thing about the teaching ; And what is the best thing you like about being an nlc dean ?
Answer form Dr ujwala bendalae :- the satisfaction which I use to see in the face of my student after delivering a lecture ; Another best thing what I like about being a law professor is interaction with the student professionally because when you are with your student you got to understand a lot of new things ; so that makes me feel great about being an professor . Being an dean the best thing as of now I couldn’t find because as you don’t get better interaction with the students but of course the respect you see in the eyes of my students that is the best thing for being an dean and yeah the ciriculum under my tenure what I have planned is really an practical oriented ; students are going to be benifited .
Seventh question put forward by Kamlesh singh :- What is your favourite subjects in law do you notice any changes form the students of your time and the students of as of know ?
Answer form Dr ujwala bendalae :- Constitution law is my first favourite ; Second comes transfer of property; this come Resarch methology
In our times students were concern of learning whatever what taught in the college ; Just do what the teachers use to tell or the mentor use to guide but now the students ; recent students are really benifited because they are born with the golden spoon with the golden plate because the technology is at their tips technology helps them to do any thing and every thing in the sky and that to under the minute and that is really a benifited students
Eight question put forward by Kamlesh singh :- Do you think students should behave with the professor like friends or it is necessary to create a discipline envoirnment to create a good class room and healthy envoirnment ?
Answer form Dr ujwala bendalae :- Discipline is must ; I will never go against the discipline
I don’t believe in forced discipline but in a self-discipline.
Friendliness is fine only for your exchange of your thoughts ; you can have friendly gesture towards your teacherbut never break a line of discipline there has to always be a gap between a teacher and a student .
Ninth question put forward by Kamlesh singh ;- Also do you feel any changes that need to be done in the current legal system of our country ? As a law professor how do you see those changes ?
Answer form Dr ujwala bendalae :- of couese the bar council of India should revise this whole ciriculum because it is not to the mark up to needs of the students It needs second generation reforms. There is no uniformity and universality in legal education the practical aspect in the planning in the ciriculum is totally missing We being deemed and private university we are doing best for our students but when it comes to the fraternity of law it is very difficult because they are still seeing the old fraternity
Tenth question put forward by Kamlesh singh ;- any message for up-coming new generation of Bharti Vidyapeeth new law college ?
Answer form Dr ujwala bendalae :- for them I assure that the ciriculum is quite interesting; very rocking it is rebuilt learning because it is all practical oriented the new ciriculum is welcoming also it will be more of their intrest of the students
Kamlesh singh :- Thank you mam for the interview